Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Principle of Separation

2 Cor. 6:14-18 teaches the biblical principle of separation. It is necessary to define an unequal yoke to understand the principle. Paul was writing to the church at Corinth. Among many other problems, there was great temptation in the city of Corinth with idol worhip. Unequal means two dissimilar things, two that are not the same. A yoke was an instrument used to attach to animals together for training and/or work purposes. An unequal yoke is an attachment of two dissimilar things, or any improper alliance.
Examples of an unequal yoke include: marriage between a believer and an unbeliever,one should walk in the light, the other walks in darkness, 1 Cor. 7:14-16, 39;a business partnership between a believer and an unbeliever (business practices such as fraud, deception, dishonesty which may be acceptable to one, but should not be to the other Rom. 13:2, 5-8; Eph. 5:11); in religious things, between those in the truth and those in false worship (Ot principle Deut 22:9-11; a NT principle 2 John 9-11).
"Come out from among them" and "be ye separate" mean non-fellowship or non-participation with religious error. "What agreement hath the temple of God [a new testament church] with idols [false worship]?" "Touch not the unclean thing" means false worship is to God an unclean thing. Non-fellowship in worship capacity includes not attending and having no part (preaching, teaching, singing, playing the instruments, leading in prayer). Do not lend your influence to false worship or approval in any manner. If we do, we approve what God disapproves. Worship capacity includes any organized religious event from ministerial alliance to See-You-at-the-Pole, to FCA, to revivals, VBS, youth camp and Sunday worship or other special services. Non-ecumenical means one does not believe in having religious services where people from different denominations participate. God's plan for unity and fellowship is on the basis of Bible truth, fellowship in the truth. Non-ecumenical means we do not go to them and we do not invite them to have a leading role with us (we welcome all to come to true worship). A church that is non-ecumeical will refuse to accept alien baptism, refuse to practice open communion, and refuse to practice pulpit affiliation.
The purpose in not being entangled in an unequal yoke is that the presence of God might be fully known in His churches, the leadership of the Holy Spirit may be followed in truth, God's blessings may be upon His people and that His people in true churches might be a holy and pure people with a mighty influence for God in the world. Separation denies false worship the credibility of "I'm OK, you're OK." There is a difference between true and false worship - God expects His people in the true churches to obey His principle of separation. While being separated from false worship, we are to go forth into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.


  1. One thing the readers should know is that Brother Arch Bishop is NOT condoning divorce if a believer is married to an unbeliever. He is merely stating we should not go into a marriage with an unbeliever.

    1 Corinthians 7:12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
    7:13 And the woman which hath a husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
    7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
    7:15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.
    7:16 For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?

    I don't know if I would go to another denomination and preach, but I still wonder Brother Arching, is preaching to someone to tell them they are wrong really condoning or approving their service? I know if you go to a false church with intentions of worship, it is wrong. But if you go with the intentions to preach to them the truth to show them the error of their ways, is that approving them or disapproving them?

    I just still wonder about those preaching in the synagogues and temple. Jesus taught in the temple in many places, including as a child. I know you say that was the "house of God" as Jesus stated when turning tables, but had it also not become a house of false worship? Jesus also taught in the synagogues according to John 18:20. Surely these were false houses of worship? While they had no idols, they did not worship properly and taught people how to go to Hell by keeping the law (much like the Catholics today). This kind of seems what Paul did in Acts 13.

    Acts 13:14 But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and sat down.
    Acts 13:15 And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.
    Acts 13:16 Then Paul stood up, and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience.

    Now know I would never be at a false church on Sunday or Wednesday. Finally, I ask a question. Where does one draw the line concerning where not to preach? I agree 100% with the BMAA and some independent Baptist doctrinal statements. Some SBC churches don't even know what the convention is, yet are doctrinally sound. I just wonder where we should draw the line.

    This subject will require more study on my behalf.

  2. Just principle - aimed at no one. I got these notes out of an old three ring binder from about 5 years ago. I view the temple and the synagogues as forms of OT true worship, although corrupted by the Pharisees. The synagogue started during Babylonian captivity for the Jews who couldn't get to the temple. The temple was still the house of God.
    I was simply hoping people would pray, study it out and then decide as the Holy Spirit led them.
    You're right - I was not talking divorce, just the wrong kind of marriage to make in the first place. I do appreciate your comments.

  3. Archbishop this is a very good article. It seems to me that it is true to the Scriptures

  4. Great post as always Bro. Archbishop! Nice to see you taking part, Bro. Looney!

  5. Bro. Archbishop,

    I have a question that concerns this subject. I will give you a real-life scenario: a long-time faithful member of a MB church of 50 years+ who would have been a deacon except for his wife dies. His funeral of course is at the MB church. His wife is Catholic and she (which I know all of this would have been totally against his wishes had he been alive) gets her priest to help officiate along with the MB former pastor in the MB pulpit! Rumor is that she had him given last rites also. What would you do in a funeral situation? Personally I don't believe in pulpit affiliation of any sort (allowing a false preacher to stand in God's pulpit) but many say it is just a funeral service and it has caused trouble in churches and communities.

  6. I don't know. Same goes for this question, what if you were asked to preach a funeral in a false church's building with a false religious leader as co-officiator? Would you take the opportunity to preach to the lost in that funeral or would you say no, and let the Methodist/Catholic/Whatever spread lies about heaven and hell in an opportunity you could've used for the benefit of the lost?

  7. It would be difficult to answer any question right by working from scenarios. Go to the Bible - prayerfully determine what is right and then consistently apply it in all situations. It's like being on a date - you should decide ahead of time what you will or will not do. Every preacher must make his own decision. The worst decision one could make is to not decide - then you let circumstances lead you anywhere.

  8. It's also up to a church to protect itself by adopting a policy concerning who will not preach in their pulpit.

  9. Archbishop wrote, "Non-fellowship in worship capacity includes not attending and having no part (preaching, teaching, singing, playing the instruments, leading in prayer)."

    In addition to not attending and participating elsewhere, I think most Missionary Baptist churches will not invite someone from another denomination to preach, teach, play the piano and lead in prayer. (I'm sure there are exceptions). But I've never heard of any Missionary Baptist church asking visitors of other denominations not to sing along with the congregation. I wonder if anyone has an idea why we treat this differently? Wouldn't we be worshipping together?

  10. Worshiping together at a true church where all the leading parts of the worship is by people in the truth is no problem. We welcome all to come into true worship. When a true church gives a leading role to someone from another denomination, then we recognize people from false worship - as if their congregation is the equal of a true church.

  11. Saying that worshipping together at a true church is no problem seems to imply that mere physical presence in a true congregation makes the worship acceptable. I don't think I can accept that view. But maybe I don't understand what you mean. Maybe it's an issue of whether that person is saved or not?

  12. I think Brother Bishop is referring not to physical presence. He is referring to who leads. If we knowingly allow lost men to lead true worshiperes in worship, we err. If we knowingly allow those of false religion to lead true worshipers in worship, we err. If they come to our church (assuming it is one which truly worships in spirit and truth), then they are more than free to follow our leadership.

    Something else to wonder about. While allowing others to come is certainly wonderful, should our church do more to bring lost people into a worship service or win them and allow them to join the church?

  13. Hello Brother
    Ecuminicalism has been and is going to be the downfall of the Lord's work. Many see no problem with getting together in a "Christian" fellowship with many denominations. I was once chastized by some dear ladies. In my home town all the religions were gathering at the football field to pray for the salvation of our youth. I did not go. My answer to the chastisers was this--If all different beliefs come together to pray for the salvation of the youth, who wil God listen to? Will he hear the Cahtolic who says be baptized--the charasmatic who says speak in tongues--etc or will He listen to the Baptists who stay home and pray that the youth be saved by grace through faith?
    Oh well, we like to play dont we preachers? I would ,that is my flesh, would love to join a Christian racing club. If i did or if i attended i would be committing spiritual adultery--this leads to spiritual fornication.
    I am finished
