Friday, March 13, 2009

The Cross on which Jesus Died

For the Greek geeks, was Jesus hung on a literal tree or on a beam cut from a tree?


  1. this a trick question? He was crucified which means that he was hung in a beam cut from a would it be possible for Simon of Cyrene to help Jesus carry a tree?


    I only got a bachelor of english bible degree...I didn't take all of the greek that the geeks have taken.

  2. No trick question. A commonly held view is that Simon carried only the cross beam that was later attached to a tree.
    According to the Greek word for tree in Acts

    No trick question. Acts 13:29 - was the "tree" a tree or a beam? A commonly held view is that Simon helped Jesus carry the cross beam, later attached to a tree.

  3. My post got divided somehow. No trick question. Acts 13:29 is a "tree" a tree? Some hold the opinion that Simon helped Jesus carry the cross beam.

  4. Actually, most secular and "religious" historians today agree a manger was probably in a cave, and a crucifixion was a common form of execution for the Romans. Because it was common, and Rome executed many people quite often, they nailed a cross beam (just one piece of wood long enough to nail hands to) to a tree, and the person hung from the tree. They also suggest it would be very unlikely for the Romans to create a special "cross" which stood straight up, but rather that most likely he would have been crucified the same way. The newest "scholars" suggest they actually hung him on a tree with a cross beam (which was carried by Jesus and Simon) and then when he was hanging, they had a foot rest under the feet which were nailed into the tree. The feet could pivot on the nail to push up on the foot rest, thus the breaking of the legs being necessary to ensure death.

    The greek word in Acts 13:29, xulon, can mean both a tree and a timber/beam/something made of wood. I do believe the KJV translators were right, however. But the answer lies in the next question. Did the Elizabethean English word "tree" mean the same as the Webster's 1828 definition "In Scripture, a cross." or did Webster gain his definition from the tradition Catholic view of a cross?

    I don't know, but I don't think either belief poses a contradiction of scripture. It just all depends on what the word "cross" and "tree" mean.

  5. What about Joshua 8:29? What did he hang on? And what does Deuteronomy 21:23 speak of when it says a person who hangs (on a tree) will be accursed of God? Also look up the greek word for "cross" in Colossians 2:14. Strange that it seems to represent one piece of wood rather than two. Last question. If it was whole cross as we imagine it, a big plus sign, how big was it, and could Simon carry such a large object? How heavy would it be?

  6. I read somewhere that it was a custom for the prisoner to carry the cross beam which weigh 150 lb. to the place in which they would be crucified. There they would fix it to the other piece for the prisoner to be lift up. I am not sure . I will try to find where I read that.

  7. Brother Merritt, I'd appreciate your thoughts on my post about the generational rift. I agree we need to stick 100% to doctrines, and numbers do not rely on programs. I was raised in a church that met the qualifications you mentioned in your blog about numbers.

    1) Christ centered, Bible preaching 1 Tim. 4:2
    2) Lifestyles that reflect Christ Matt. 5:16
    3) Good fellowship Acts 2:42
    4) Faithfulness Heb. 10:24, 25
    5) Prayer John 14:14
    6) Witnessing Ps 126:5, 6
    7) Sacrificial giving (tithes and offerings) Mal. 3:10
    8) Worshipful music Col 3:16
    9) Strong teaching ministry 2 Tim 2:2
    10) Right literature Matt 28:20; Luke 1:1; Jude 3
    11) First love is Christ Eph. 2:5
    12) Right love John 13:34, 35; 15:12

    And yet, of the thirty or more youth we had when I was in the youth group, only 2 that I am aware of are still in an ABA church. Almost all of them left immediately. Also, there was a generational rift between the elderly and younger just b/c of the different cultures. Anyway, keep that in mind, and think about my post on my blog about the generational rift. Then (if you want to comment you can), I'd enjoy seeing your perspective on the subject in person of how churches set a certain way, becoming predictable, breeding expectation, and youth groups do the same thing (causing clash).
