Monday, December 14, 2009
US News and World Report
1 Tim. 4:1, 2 details this exact time in human history as accurately as only the inpsired Word of God can do. "Doctrines of devils" and "speaking lies in hypocrisy" has reached such filthy depths I could never have imagined in the Special Collector's Edition of the US News and World Report on newstands in December 2009. Its false information gives rise to skepticism and casts despicable lies against the Word of God, the writers of the books of the Bible and the contents of the books. P. 19 refers to a book of dastardly words about the life of Jesus Christ in such pornographic terms that I am amazed such could be printed by any magazine wishing to retain its readers. For such horrible lies, innuendoes and false accusations against the very person of the Lord Jesus Christ, I will never purchase another copy of this magazine EVER. I wish I could rally enough support from godly people in the US that they could be boycotted to the point they get into such financial disarray they have to go out of business.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Doctrinal Statements
A doctrinal statement should be limited to doctrine. When practices are included in the list as doctrines, they become a tool used to force the churches in line with the practice in the doctrinal statement or be out of fellowship or thrown out of fellowship of the association. When either occurs, the association infringes upon the sovereignty of the local church. What are the weirdest things you have ever seen in a doctrinal statement of ABA churches in a local association or state association?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Protestant-minded Baptists
I. K. Cross wrote a booklet called Landmarkism: An Update, in which he referred to Protestant-minded Baptists that "want to be free to receive Protestant and other immersions without regard to doctrinal standards." (page 28). Baptism is more than an immersion by a religious group. Immersion does not guarantee a church that the candidate they receive has scriptural baptism. All the SBC congrgeations in our area that I have asked approve the immersion of Protestant denominations.
Some Missionary Baptist church members are Protestant-minded Baptists-they see nothing wrong with joining a SBC congregation even though they practice receiving alien immersion (immersion without a proper authority), pulpit affiliation and open commuion. Pastors, teachers, youth workers need to teach the truth about baptism, the Lord's Supper, local church and church authority. When church members feed on Protestant religious books, TV religious programming and sermons from pastors that go to the internet to "get a sermon," they will be spiritually malnourished. Warning: when a church is not used to a good diet on sound doctrine, it will be hard for them to digest God's truths.
There are probably more Protestant-minded Baptists in more ABA churches than anyone would like to admit.
Some Missionary Baptist church members are Protestant-minded Baptists-they see nothing wrong with joining a SBC congregation even though they practice receiving alien immersion (immersion without a proper authority), pulpit affiliation and open commuion. Pastors, teachers, youth workers need to teach the truth about baptism, the Lord's Supper, local church and church authority. When church members feed on Protestant religious books, TV religious programming and sermons from pastors that go to the internet to "get a sermon," they will be spiritually malnourished. Warning: when a church is not used to a good diet on sound doctrine, it will be hard for them to digest God's truths.
There are probably more Protestant-minded Baptists in more ABA churches than anyone would like to admit.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Calvinism and Salvation
Calvinists believe in the total inability of man to respond to God. They teach that once God grants spiritual life to a person, then they have the ability to respond to God by repentance and faith. This order is life from God, then repentance and faith.
God's Word teaches total depravity, not total inability. Those that are spiritually dead in trespasses and in sins are corrupt before a righteous and holy God. Only by responding to holy Spirit conviction and drawing by repentance and faith does one receove new life in Christ. This order is repentance and faith, then new life from God.
To the unwary, they see the buzz words repentance and faith and accept the rest of the words of Calvinists as sound doctrine.
It has been said that there is a considerable problem with Calvinism in the ABA. According to the best of your knowledge, is there a problem with Calvinism in the ABA? If so, to what extent?
God's Word teaches total depravity, not total inability. Those that are spiritually dead in trespasses and in sins are corrupt before a righteous and holy God. Only by responding to holy Spirit conviction and drawing by repentance and faith does one receove new life in Christ. This order is repentance and faith, then new life from God.
To the unwary, they see the buzz words repentance and faith and accept the rest of the words of Calvinists as sound doctrine.
It has been said that there is a considerable problem with Calvinism in the ABA. According to the best of your knowledge, is there a problem with Calvinism in the ABA? If so, to what extent?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Social Gospel Trend in Expenditures
I recently saw a church sign (central Ar, a SBC) that said, "We support community athletics." The biblical ethics of church expenditures out of the general fund includes the expenses of the church, the support of the pastor, the support of a widow indeed according to biblical qualifications, missions, expenses of messengers, Christian education and general benevolence (for those of like faith and order). When a congregation supports food drives, secular education, medical needs, or financial support for needy in the community out of the general fund, she begins to place emphasis on the social gospel - address the physical needs of the community. The benevolent offering for the saints of Judea (like faith and order) was a special offering - not out of the general fund (Paul reminded the church at Corinth not to wait to take up one when he came). A special love offering for church members that need financial help in extreme situations will usually be more than an amount taken from the general fund by passing a motion. It will promote the spirit of giving by those members that participate. The benevolent offering was not part of the individual member's church offering, it was extra. In these tough financial times, a church could very well get in financial difficulty in the general fund by doing what appears to be a good thing rather than leaving it to a love offering. Some would even use the examlpe of Jesus feeding the 5000 to prove that the church Jesus built did so out of the general fund, even though Jesus multiplied the lunch of a young boy. If true churches aren't careful, we will get caught up in social gospel ideas of funding phsycial things out of the general fund and will not give to missions, etc. as we should.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Casual Christianity
When I go to a religious bookstore, I scan a lot of books while I'm there. That helps me keep up with religious trendy thinking. I saw a book by George Barna (the poll guy) titled The Seven Tribes. It was a book dividing all religious thinking into seven tribe families, one of which was casual christianity. On p. 42, he equated casual christianity with the biblical example of the Laodicean church (rather an interesting concept). He noted those in casual christianity failed to make God a priority, lack love for those that do not agree with them, embrace nonbiblical teaching, tolerate sexual immorality, ignore sin and have only a superficial faith. He concludes that casual christianity falls way below biblical standards. These remarks are not an exact quote, but from notes I took while in the bookstore. I got the gist right. I'm always surprised when someone in print (non ABA writer) makes a statement I agree with.
God was not casual about man's need of a Savior, the command about altar building, Moses' need to take off his shoes at the burning bush, the high priest wearing his accouterments for official duties (can you imagine him in laced up boots, jeans and a casual shirt?), true worship being both spiritual and according to truth, scriptural baptism (a form we might call casual baptism is alien immersion), the Lord's Supper (casual communion would be open), the inspired Word of God preserved by God (casual Bible - new versions) the need for Jesus to shed His blood and die, etc.
Casual christianity is all about reinventing worship - I can best express it in terms of "roll your own." Some cigarette smokers in the 1960's still bought papers, filled one with loose tobacco and rolled their own cigarettes. Some were pretty shabby looking - fat, thin, crooked. We might conclude casual christianity is pretty shabby looking compared to true worship in spirit and in truth.
God was not casual about man's need of a Savior, the command about altar building, Moses' need to take off his shoes at the burning bush, the high priest wearing his accouterments for official duties (can you imagine him in laced up boots, jeans and a casual shirt?), true worship being both spiritual and according to truth, scriptural baptism (a form we might call casual baptism is alien immersion), the Lord's Supper (casual communion would be open), the inspired Word of God preserved by God (casual Bible - new versions) the need for Jesus to shed His blood and die, etc.
Casual christianity is all about reinventing worship - I can best express it in terms of "roll your own." Some cigarette smokers in the 1960's still bought papers, filled one with loose tobacco and rolled their own cigarettes. Some were pretty shabby looking - fat, thin, crooked. We might conclude casual christianity is pretty shabby looking compared to true worship in spirit and in truth.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Rude and aggressive spirit of clappers
The ABA messenger meeting had more clapping than ever. It has been on the increase the past few years. In the past, I have seen a couple of young preachers be very in your face with their clapping antics. I have seen church members of clapping churches that acted very aggressively at youth camp and at other places. The rudeness of clapping to rub it in when someone lost a vote at the messenger meeting revealed an attitude problem. The subject of clapping in worship should be reexamined from the Bible. There are 9 references to clapping, none of which involve true worship. When people seek changes to worship such as clapping, they try to steam roll over all who don't jump on the bandwagon. Why clap? to give God a hand? (He doesn't need one) to appreciate a performance? (Special music even by little children is not a performance) to have a more interactice worship? (Get the flesh involved in what should be a spiritual service) Why clap? to give the devil a means of watering down true worship.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Messenger Meeting Points of Interest
I have attended the ABA Messenger Meeting 32 of the last 33 years.
I love the color guard and the pledge - MB are flag waving Americans.
The wonderful choir from County Ave MBC led by James Bull was very uplifting.
The powerful Moderator's Address concerning revival.
Annual sermon in KJV in text only and commended fund raising.
A crowd of 2700.
956 messengers, yet the vote of about 1100 on the next meeting place.
Is it open communion for a missionary to be given permission for observing the Lord's Supper with the mission? Overwhelming majority (all but 4) voted it was not.
Rudeness of clapping after a vote was taken to exult over one who lost the vote.
A 261 to 220 vote to put a man on to receive designated funds as a missionary who was divorced and remarried and the discussion revealed many were willing to take verses out of context to try to prove a missionary with 2 living wives was acceptable.
The mission offering was $10, 973.
A 310 to 244 vote to postpone indefinitely not to consider men for any missionary support that had been divorced and remarried.
The missionary recommendation form leaves it possible for a man to just say he is married without revealing he has previously been divorced (a don's ask, don't tell policy as it stands).
Supporting divorced and remarried men as missioaries is much like open communion - just let each one decide for himself if he qualifies biblically.
Special mission program involving 6 missionaries from 6 countries around the world representing Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America and Australia.
ABA missions is now 191 missionaries, 31 countries, budget 2.7 million
5% literature increase.
5 cent across the board quarterly cost set aside for replacing equipment, will amount to about $60,000 per year.
Writers got a 10% raise, BM and EIC got a 3% raise.
Sec. Treas. of Missions withdrew offer of raise when opposition was expressed.
Procedural problems hindered messengers from taking a stand on sexuality and marariage.
How few messengers were present for SS committee report, decisions on Thursday.
Going to the mike to speak 3 times - nominated 2 men who were elected and to speak for the Bible qualification of a preacher (or missionary) being the husband iof one wife. "Brudder Mawderater, blue mike."
Watching my son-in-law serve as head teller.
Apparent inability of some messengers to vote and discuss at the appropriate times.
The joy and encouragement of seeing friends from around the country and having fellowship with them.
Having our granddaughter spend 2 nights with us in motel at Springfield and getting to see her at the meeting.
As Messenger Meetings go, it was better than most (a mixture of disappointment over the growing number who voted the way they did and the joy of the discussion being brotherly even in times of disagreement.
Seeing my LMBIS friends at Springfield was great.
The joy of the final Amen and leaving for vacation in Branson.
I love the color guard and the pledge - MB are flag waving Americans.
The wonderful choir from County Ave MBC led by James Bull was very uplifting.
The powerful Moderator's Address concerning revival.
Annual sermon in KJV in text only and commended fund raising.
A crowd of 2700.
956 messengers, yet the vote of about 1100 on the next meeting place.
Is it open communion for a missionary to be given permission for observing the Lord's Supper with the mission? Overwhelming majority (all but 4) voted it was not.
Rudeness of clapping after a vote was taken to exult over one who lost the vote.
A 261 to 220 vote to put a man on to receive designated funds as a missionary who was divorced and remarried and the discussion revealed many were willing to take verses out of context to try to prove a missionary with 2 living wives was acceptable.
The mission offering was $10, 973.
A 310 to 244 vote to postpone indefinitely not to consider men for any missionary support that had been divorced and remarried.
The missionary recommendation form leaves it possible for a man to just say he is married without revealing he has previously been divorced (a don's ask, don't tell policy as it stands).
Supporting divorced and remarried men as missioaries is much like open communion - just let each one decide for himself if he qualifies biblically.
Special mission program involving 6 missionaries from 6 countries around the world representing Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America and Australia.
ABA missions is now 191 missionaries, 31 countries, budget 2.7 million
5% literature increase.
5 cent across the board quarterly cost set aside for replacing equipment, will amount to about $60,000 per year.
Writers got a 10% raise, BM and EIC got a 3% raise.
Sec. Treas. of Missions withdrew offer of raise when opposition was expressed.
Procedural problems hindered messengers from taking a stand on sexuality and marariage.
How few messengers were present for SS committee report, decisions on Thursday.
Going to the mike to speak 3 times - nominated 2 men who were elected and to speak for the Bible qualification of a preacher (or missionary) being the husband iof one wife. "Brudder Mawderater, blue mike."
Watching my son-in-law serve as head teller.
Apparent inability of some messengers to vote and discuss at the appropriate times.
The joy and encouragement of seeing friends from around the country and having fellowship with them.
Having our granddaughter spend 2 nights with us in motel at Springfield and getting to see her at the meeting.
As Messenger Meetings go, it was better than most (a mixture of disappointment over the growing number who voted the way they did and the joy of the discussion being brotherly even in times of disagreement.
Seeing my LMBIS friends at Springfield was great.
The joy of the final Amen and leaving for vacation in Branson.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Lowest Common Denominator
What do AWANA, Max Lucado, Beth Moore and Lessons From Mayberry (and possibly others) have in common ? They all have managed to get their literature in congregations to be used as study material. While I am not sure all of these are used in ABA churches, some of them are. Where do you draw the line? Once you leave the truth to get literature from outside sources you get corrupt fruit from a corrupt tree (outside of the truth, all you can find is error). How do you get a Jezebel (someone not a church member and from false worship) teaching in a NT church? Make some popular literature and offer it as the hottest thing out there in religion. The church at Thyatira practiced pulpit affiliation (Rev. 2:20). Pulpit affilliation does not require a flesh and blood presence in the pulpit to occur! As best as I can tell, these offer nondenominational, renegade COC (ecumenical and instruments in worship), SBC (universal church and wrote off 1500 years of Baptist history) and moral examples types of literature used to replace the Bible and Bible based literature. If you can do it on a screen, be like the Protestants or do like everyone else is doing, you, too, will face the temptation to use the wrong material. When all congregations are using this lowest common denominator, the truth has fallen into the street, there will be a dumbing down and a loss of spiritual discernment. Has your church reached the lowest common denominator?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What Can A Preacher Do?
A preacher can do much to contend for the faith by his preaching, teaching and his influence by taking a stand. In the book "Old Landmarkism: What Is It?" by J. R. Graves, page 141, "A looser sentiment and practice commence to prevail through the influence of those ministers, who loved the praise of men more than that of God." Graves, p. 152, "Thousands are preaching today with no other ambition than to build up large churches, and to gain an enviable reputation." We should "advocate the presentation and enforcement of some one of our distinctive...principles or doctrine in every sermon," (Graves, p. 158). Through this method "the church...will be gradually indoctrinated," (Graves, p. 158). How many sermons have you heard in MB churches that would have pleased any Protestant if they had heard it? How many have you preached with so little doctrinal truth that everyone loved them? If we preach sin, salvation, Heaven, Hell, judgment, the church, missions, giving, church discipline and closed communion with a clear commitment to doctrinal purity, God's people in His churches will be influenced to remain strong in the faith. When churches get feel good or pop psychology sermons over the long term, they lose their doctrinal identity and soon find nothing wrong with practicing like the Protestants. What can a preacher do? Contend for the faith. God help us to do more.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Assocational Baptists and Splits
Associations of churches (like churches) may go astray. What would be the cause for a church to withdraw from an association? Some have suggested and others predicted a future split in the ABA.
A. J. Kirkland in the book Why Associational Baptists Divided and Other Vital Issues, wrote, "If a Baptist church sound on its doctrine and practice concerning the church ordinances, its letter of dismission or application for membership is honored," (p. 53). He also stated, "Good, sound Baptist churches sometimes identify themselves with groups which have unsound programs. Therefore a church cannot altogether be judged heretical because it associates with the wrong group....A church may be considered wrong in practice to a certain extent without losing its identity as a scriptural church," (Kirkland, p. 53). Another quotes states, "All the churches were commanded to do the same thing at the same time, and, they were to be doing it for a common cause," (Kirkland, p. 50). I might add "do the same thing the same way, according to scriptural commands or principles." When churches are of the same mind, doing the same thing the same way for a common cause it is the nature of a scriptural associated work. When churches do different things, by different ways for different causes, there is no basis for continuing in an association. What is the checkmate reason for withdrawing from an association?
A. J. Kirkland in the book Why Associational Baptists Divided and Other Vital Issues, wrote, "If a Baptist church sound on its doctrine and practice concerning the church ordinances, its letter of dismission or application for membership is honored," (p. 53). He also stated, "Good, sound Baptist churches sometimes identify themselves with groups which have unsound programs. Therefore a church cannot altogether be judged heretical because it associates with the wrong group....A church may be considered wrong in practice to a certain extent without losing its identity as a scriptural church," (Kirkland, p. 53). Another quotes states, "All the churches were commanded to do the same thing at the same time, and, they were to be doing it for a common cause," (Kirkland, p. 50). I might add "do the same thing the same way, according to scriptural commands or principles." When churches are of the same mind, doing the same thing the same way for a common cause it is the nature of a scriptural associated work. When churches do different things, by different ways for different causes, there is no basis for continuing in an association. What is the checkmate reason for withdrawing from an association?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tradition vs. Culture
The issue of women wearing a dress or skirt to worship is actually a tradition vs. culture decision.
Some hold to the man dressing like a man and a woman dressing like a woman.
Some think modesty is on one side, some the other.
Some think casual dress is OK. but where do you draw the line with casual? How casual is too casual?
IMO, women that wear a skirt to worship do so on a spiritual basis (no, they are not more spiritual than others) - for reasons that have to do with reverence. Worship in a skirt is the only way to dress to make a difference between the school, the place of business, the ball game, the concert or the yard. It is a matter of reverence for a godly woman to worship in a skirt.
The choice is actually culture vs. tradition. Which is more reverent - tradition or culture?
While each will ultimately decide for themselves, I would rather follow a reverent tradition than in irreverent culture.
Some hold to the man dressing like a man and a woman dressing like a woman.
Some think modesty is on one side, some the other.
Some think casual dress is OK. but where do you draw the line with casual? How casual is too casual?
IMO, women that wear a skirt to worship do so on a spiritual basis (no, they are not more spiritual than others) - for reasons that have to do with reverence. Worship in a skirt is the only way to dress to make a difference between the school, the place of business, the ball game, the concert or the yard. It is a matter of reverence for a godly woman to worship in a skirt.
The choice is actually culture vs. tradition. Which is more reverent - tradition or culture?
While each will ultimately decide for themselves, I would rather follow a reverent tradition than in irreverent culture.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Others Like Me?
When Elijah felt sorry for himself, He felt as if he was the only one standing true for the Lord. I do not feel that way, but I rejoice at God's answer concerning thousands of others who were standing like Elisha. I wonder if there are others like our church? If you have these same convictions, please let me know.
1. KJV
2. Associate in ABA for missions support, literature and for benevolence offerings
3. Separation from false worship (don't sing or preach for them in worship or revival, don't invite them to do those things at our church)
4. Tithes and offerings
5. Women wear dresses (skirts) to worship
6. Use only ABA literature (including youth)
7. No fund raisers
1. KJV
2. Associate in ABA for missions support, literature and for benevolence offerings
3. Separation from false worship (don't sing or preach for them in worship or revival, don't invite them to do those things at our church)
4. Tithes and offerings
5. Women wear dresses (skirts) to worship
6. Use only ABA literature (including youth)
7. No fund raisers
Monday, May 4, 2009
New Worship
The old, traditional worship structure thrived for centuries due to it being grounded in a biblical and spiritual perspective. New worship ideas seek to replace a spiritual and biblical perspective in worship with a culture based worship. I heard a seminary instructor say God is not about culture. If churches and preachers turn to new worship based on culture, where does that leave spirituality and a biblical perspective? The aggressive methods of new worship in replacing the old, traditional worship structure actually throws the baby out with the bath water. God has blessed worship from a spiritual and biblical perspective with souls saved, churches strengthened and believers maturing to fruitbearing. Why would anyone think there is value in the culture, emotion, easy believism, singalongs (follow the bouncing ball?) and unstructured service(anything goes) of new worship. Have you ever heard the old motto, "If it ain't broke, it don't need fixin' "? If we throw out the KJV Bible, pews, hymns, songbooks, pianoes, organs, pulpits, sermons, and the gospel, what is left but the chaff? Is new worship good or right because it is new? Neither is everything in old, traditional worship good because it is old. Everything in worship should be from a spiritual and biblical perspective. We need to take a step back and look what direction we are heading!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Church Steeples
Quoting from Old Landmarkism: What Is it? by J. R. Graves, pp. 116-117, "And if they be invited to the funeral of any pedobaptist [infant baptizer], they will go to the house and accompany the corpse with the rest of the people to the door; but there they retreat--they call it the Steeple House....They did not visit their Steeple Houses, because they did not believe God was worshipped in them, but His holy name and service profaned by the priests, by their senseless and popish forms and ceremonies; for Christ had said, 'In vain do they worship me who teach for doctrines the commandments of men.' Baptists of that day thought they would be regarded as countenancing, in some sense, the priests of the church of England should they attend their administrations. And if we will only consider the influence of acts closely, we shall be forced to conclude that they acted consistently."
1. This was a day in 1587 when true Baptists separated themselves from false worship
2. True Baptists at that time did not have steeples on their houses of worship
3. They were Landmarkers in the sense they considered carefully the results of their actions before doing anything that would give others the idea they approved of false religion in any way
4. Landmarkers today should practice consistently - it is not enough to preach the truth and then practice like a Protestant congregation.
1. This was a day in 1587 when true Baptists separated themselves from false worship
2. True Baptists at that time did not have steeples on their houses of worship
3. They were Landmarkers in the sense they considered carefully the results of their actions before doing anything that would give others the idea they approved of false religion in any way
4. Landmarkers today should practice consistently - it is not enough to preach the truth and then practice like a Protestant congregation.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
ABA Meeting
How many of my fellow bloggers are going to the ABA meeting in Springfield, MO? Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Fellowship With Southern Baptists
When God's people in ABA attend revivals at SBC churches, etc., they bid them god-speed. They sanction their beliefs, practices and encourage them in what they are doing. Every landmarker should thoughtfully and prayerfully consider the need for separation. Those who fellowship with SBC churches uphold their errors and are partakers of their sins. Such participation approves open communion, private communion, alien immersion, clinic baptism, and pulpit affiliation. Such participation endorses women preachers, interpretative dance in worship, different worship behavior (clapping, stomping, etc.), the convention system that lords it over local churches and the use of new (corrupt) Bible versions. Fellowship with SBC does not make them more like us (ABA), it makes us more like them. God forbid.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Moral Relativism
Moral Relativism Sweeps Away Unsuspecting
Moral Relativism Sweeps Away Unsuspecting
Moral relativism is the idea that truth may be interpreted according to one’s feelings. Since my opinions and feelings are different than yours, what I decide is right for me may not be right for you. Each person’s feelings concerning what is right or wrong are equally acceptable and replace biblical principles that make a division between right and wrong. At this point, moral relativism replaces truth in practice. Moral relativism sweeps away unsuspecting pastors in the following areas: 1) In forsaking context for word definition, correct interpretation is abandoned. When we interpret Scripture based on alternate word definitions, we get a wrong interpretation. Even with the right definition, everything must be put into context. 2) Truth is interpreted according to one own feelings. 3) Right or wrong in practice is determined on personalities (how the issue affects my family or friends). When we abandon absolute truth, fellowship in a scriptural association becomes shifting sands as we move from issue to issue. Several current issues are a) what is appropriate in worship behavior, b) what kind of music in worship, c) what Bible translation to use d) what missionaries, pastors and deacons qualifications are important e) what youth program to use and f) what literature to use. When there is no absolute truth, the Bible no longer means what it once did to many. Those who should be standing for truth based on studied out biblical principles concerning what is truth and what should I practice are flying by the seat of their pants from circumstance to circumstance. Correct interpretation may be explained away. A scriptural association may unravel or splinter into several issue groups.
Consider the following parody. “In these days, there is no absolute truth in the association, and every preacher interprets the Bible according to what seems right in his own eyes.” Such a sad state of affairs may be termed moral relativism. This influence results in preachers being unwilling to take the tough stands for truth. Such a viewpoint results in a pastor’s ministry bouncing all over like a pinball from issue to issue, feeling to feeling and personality to personality. While unsuspecting preachers are jumping from one side of one issue to the other side of another issue, the Lord’s work suffers,
extrabiblical ideas filter in and the commitment to practice the truth sneaks away. Good men still preach truth, but practice moral relativism.
God’s unchanging truth is not an option to be considered, it is the absolute gold standard. The days of moral relativism prophesied in the Bible have arrived. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” When anyone rejects taking a stand for biblical principles of truth for whatever reason, he practices moral relativism.
Moral Relativism Sweeps Away Unsuspecting
Moral relativism is the idea that truth may be interpreted according to one’s feelings. Since my opinions and feelings are different than yours, what I decide is right for me may not be right for you. Each person’s feelings concerning what is right or wrong are equally acceptable and replace biblical principles that make a division between right and wrong. At this point, moral relativism replaces truth in practice. Moral relativism sweeps away unsuspecting pastors in the following areas: 1) In forsaking context for word definition, correct interpretation is abandoned. When we interpret Scripture based on alternate word definitions, we get a wrong interpretation. Even with the right definition, everything must be put into context. 2) Truth is interpreted according to one own feelings. 3) Right or wrong in practice is determined on personalities (how the issue affects my family or friends). When we abandon absolute truth, fellowship in a scriptural association becomes shifting sands as we move from issue to issue. Several current issues are a) what is appropriate in worship behavior, b) what kind of music in worship, c) what Bible translation to use d) what missionaries, pastors and deacons qualifications are important e) what youth program to use and f) what literature to use. When there is no absolute truth, the Bible no longer means what it once did to many. Those who should be standing for truth based on studied out biblical principles concerning what is truth and what should I practice are flying by the seat of their pants from circumstance to circumstance. Correct interpretation may be explained away. A scriptural association may unravel or splinter into several issue groups.
Consider the following parody. “In these days, there is no absolute truth in the association, and every preacher interprets the Bible according to what seems right in his own eyes.” Such a sad state of affairs may be termed moral relativism. This influence results in preachers being unwilling to take the tough stands for truth. Such a viewpoint results in a pastor’s ministry bouncing all over like a pinball from issue to issue, feeling to feeling and personality to personality. While unsuspecting preachers are jumping from one side of one issue to the other side of another issue, the Lord’s work suffers,
extrabiblical ideas filter in and the commitment to practice the truth sneaks away. Good men still preach truth, but practice moral relativism.
God’s unchanging truth is not an option to be considered, it is the absolute gold standard. The days of moral relativism prophesied in the Bible have arrived. 2 Timothy 4:3, 4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” When anyone rejects taking a stand for biblical principles of truth for whatever reason, he practices moral relativism.
Thursday, March 26, 2009





(Delivered September 25, 1992 as the Music Report to the Annual Messenger Meeting of the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Association of Oklahoma hosted by the North Bethel Missionary Baptist Church of Bethel, Oklahoma). ---A compilation of material by Joseph L. Looney (2) at that time Pastor of Pine Top Missionary Baptist Church, Broken Bow, Oklahoma---
The Bible places great emphasis on music and singing as part of our service to God. Words related to praise, singing, and music occur approximately 575 times throughout the Bible. References to music are found in 44 of the 66 Books of the Bible. In Exodus 15, Moses and Miriam led the Israelites in a song of victory. One can find songs: of praise in Judges 5; of joy in I Samuel 2; of sorrow in II Samuel 1. Many of the 150 Psalms were originally used as a songbook. Psalms 92 says, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praise unto Thy name, O most High." Psalms 95:1,2 instructs us, "O come, let us sing unto the LORD: Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms." Many scriptures instruct, and yes, even command us to use our singing voices as instruments of praise unto the LORD.
Ever person who becomes a believer should also become a singer. There are no qualifications for a saved person to use his/her voice in praise and worship. The Scriptures do not say, "Sing unto the LORD... if you have a beautiful voice, if you feel like it, or if you are in the choir." The Scriptures do say, however, to "Sing unto the LORD." This is part of the believer's service to the LORD as is witnessing, giving, attendance, prayer or Bible study. Hebrews 2:12 states of Jesus, "I will declare Thy name unto My brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee." Jesus apparently led the disciples in the singing of praise to God in Matthew 26:30. Paul and Silas sang songs in jail in Acts 16. Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus in Ephesians 5:18,19 to be "filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the LORD." If then, we ignore this command and choose not to sing, we are being disobedient to God's instructions.
Music is not a time filler, nor mere decoration in our worship services; it must serve a valid, scriptural purpose. There is a trend in many of today's contemporary "churches" for music to become a form of Christian entertainment. God forbid! The Bible sets forth some very specific purposes and Christian entertainment is not one of them. One of those purposes is praise. Psalms 147:1 states, "Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely." We can easily see in this scripture that singing and praising are closely related. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to glory of God." If use of music in worship is motivated for any other reason or by anything other than a desire to "do all to the glory of God," then that effort fails to what is right according to the Scriptures.
Church Music in worship services is preaching and teaching in one sense because the music portion of the service teaches and gives testimony to and about God. Yet it should never take the place of the preaching service nor should more emphasis be placed upon it. And just as the Pastor and the Church are held responsible by God for what is preached and taught from the pulpit, likewise they are responsible for the music program. Colossians 3:16 states, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom: teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in you hearts to the LORD." These instructions are unmistakable. The music we use must instruct us in the eternal truths and principles of God's Word. This then demands that the lyrics of each song be scriptural (that is, they should not say anything that is contrary to the teachings of the Word of God) and of unquestionable integrity. This also demands that special music only be rendered by those whose testimony is consistent with the Word of God. These servants should, therefore, be faithful members of a New Testament Church of our LORD Jesus Christ.
Thus extreme care should be taken and the help of God sought to insure that the selection of music for worship is Scriptural in its text, preparation, and presentation, whether this music be sung by one, a few, or many, or if it be played on any of hundreds of musical instruments. Singing heresy is just as wrong as preaching or teaching heresy.
Music should be designed to prepare hearts and minds to worship God in the greatest possible way. Hymns which appeal to the flesh rather than the Spirit nature should be avoided. The Word of God presented in a musical manner has the potential of attracting listeners that the spoken word might leave unattracted. Because of the unique qualities of music, it should be used as an evangelistic tool in spreading the Gospel and in teaching to observe the "all things" of Matthew 28:20.
The LORD desires that men and women dedicate their lives to Him so that their talents can be used in His service. However, His main concern is that we be available to Him. Even so, the Bible sets very high standards of personal commitment on the heart and life of the believer who sings. Ephesians 5:18 says we should be "filled with the Spirit" when we sing. The LORD sees our motivation for singing and the condition of our hearts. Our singing, to be pleasing to God, must be accompanied by a life which seeks to please the LORD in every way. Without personal holiness and a dedication to the LORD, public praise becomes an abomination that the LORD refuses to hear. Consider the words of the LORD in Amos 5:21-24, "I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies. Though ye offer me burnt offerings and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts. Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols. But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream."
May God help us to be diligent to use our voices and instruments in a Scriptural way as we worship and praise Him. Only in this way can God get glory from the praise and worship rendered to Him in church music.
Respectfully Submitted
--A compilation of material by Joseph L. Looney from the following sources:
Paulk, Mike. Letter to Joseph L. Looney. 14 March 1992 (With written permission to use any or all of his material in any way chosen).
Pine Bluff Missionary Baptist Association Messenger Meeting held at Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Benton, Ark., 15 October to 16 October 1981. 1981 Minutes And Yearbook, "Church Music Report."
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Association of Oklahoma Messenger Meeting held at Pine Top Missionary Baptist Church, Broken Bow, OK, 29 September 1984. 1984 Minutes, "Music Report" by James Holdiness.
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Association of Oklahoma Messenger Meeting held at Glover Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, Glover, OK, 30 September 1989, 1989 Yearbook (and Minutes) "Music Report" By Doyle Nations.
When I started this blog, one of my goals was to give some of the more experience brethren in our work a forum in which to speak out on issues that are facing our work today. On that note, the following has been submitted by Bro. Wendell Butte. I hope to receive more articles from him on this subject and historical articles on the ABA, the Cumberland River Association (which is the oldest local association affiliated with the ABA), Regular, Separate, and United Baptists, and perhaps a biographical sketch on some of the men that he taught with and sat under:
I have been trying to preach about 50 years now. I went to Eastern Baptist Seminary,where Dr. I.K. Cross was the president. J.C.James, Freddie Holmes,Walter Jones, Howard Prather,Warren Carroll, Chester E. Tulga, and many more have also taught there.
I also attended and taught for 10 years at Somerset Baptist Institute. Earl McBride, Ewell Hargis, and many others taught there. I presently teach at Cumberland Baptist Institute. I have taught about 15 years at these two schools. My subject is church history, but I have taught many other classes and still do.
I want to write first on the KJV. Today many are turning from it to many questionable translations.
Things I Study About When I Think of Other Translations
What they do to the virgin birth of Christ, the deity of Christ, the blood of Christ, the doctrines of repentance, salvation, hell? They use generic terms and remove hell out many times, deny that Christ was manifest in the flesh, give the appelation of the bright and morning star to Lucifer instead of Christ, omit so many verses out, and on and on we could go.
I have studied Bible translations for 50 years. I know what I am talking about. I have most other translations to compare and have taught about these in the churches that I have pastored and on my radio program. The Voice of the Cumberland 90.5 airs each sat night at 8.45 pm. Download King of Kings Radio, then go to schedule, and then go The Voice of the Cumberland.
I have been trying to preach about 50 years now. I went to Eastern Baptist Seminary,where Dr. I.K. Cross was the president. J.C.James, Freddie Holmes,Walter Jones, Howard Prather,Warren Carroll, Chester E. Tulga, and many more have also taught there.
I also attended and taught for 10 years at Somerset Baptist Institute. Earl McBride, Ewell Hargis, and many others taught there. I presently teach at Cumberland Baptist Institute. I have taught about 15 years at these two schools. My subject is church history, but I have taught many other classes and still do.
I want to write first on the KJV. Today many are turning from it to many questionable translations.
Things I Study About When I Think of Other Translations
What they do to the virgin birth of Christ, the deity of Christ, the blood of Christ, the doctrines of repentance, salvation, hell? They use generic terms and remove hell out many times, deny that Christ was manifest in the flesh, give the appelation of the bright and morning star to Lucifer instead of Christ, omit so many verses out, and on and on we could go.
I have studied Bible translations for 50 years. I know what I am talking about. I have most other translations to compare and have taught about these in the churches that I have pastored and on my radio program. The Voice of the Cumberland 90.5 airs each sat night at 8.45 pm. Download King of Kings Radio, then go to schedule, and then go The Voice of the Cumberland.
This is the second part of the series by Bro. Wendell Butte on the KJV:
1. If things are different, then they cannot be the same
2. The word of God is settled forever in heaven.
3. I am talking about the King James Version and not the NKJV. Many say the New King James Version is just like the King James Version, but a honest look will show one different.
4. The King James Version is a tried and trusted translation .
5. The King James Version has been around almost 400 years.
There were changes made from the old english in 1611 kjv to the current 1789 edition that we have today. Words like thee, words like Hee for God. Words like gofpel to gospel etc. But no damage was done to the doctrines of the old 1611 kjv.
6. The KJV, does not do damage to the Blood of Christ-many remove the word blood. You might say prove it. Give me time, and by the help of God I will later.
7. The KJV does not do damage to the virgin birth of Christ.
8. The KJV does not do damage to the deity of Christ.
9. I believe that the KJV has beautiful language.
10.The argument that the KJV has hard words and the modern versions have easier words does not sell to me.
11.Some say we cannot understand the KJV, but I thought we were real educated .
12. Later I will write about hard words and easy words.
13.Sometimes some will say and write what has happened to the word or Bible doctrine of repentance?
It has been removed in many translations,we had better open our eyes. In Luke 13.3,5:
Jesus said. " I tell you,nay :but,except ye repent,ye shall all likewise perish ." Verse 5: "I tell you,nay : but,except ye repent,ye shall all likewise perish. "
Now think of that except ye repent-- they take repent out and put except ye change. I believe repent or repentance is turning from the sin of unbelief and to belief on and in Christ. How dangerous is a translation that changes repent to change? I know and you know that you mat change from the sin of cussing, gambling, drugs,etc and still not be saved. This is very, very dangerous don't you think? Keep looking. There will be more to follow.
1. If things are different, then they cannot be the same
2. The word of God is settled forever in heaven.
3. I am talking about the King James Version and not the NKJV. Many say the New King James Version is just like the King James Version, but a honest look will show one different.
4. The King James Version is a tried and trusted translation .
5. The King James Version has been around almost 400 years.
There were changes made from the old english in 1611 kjv to the current 1789 edition that we have today. Words like thee, words like Hee for God. Words like gofpel to gospel etc. But no damage was done to the doctrines of the old 1611 kjv.
6. The KJV, does not do damage to the Blood of Christ-many remove the word blood. You might say prove it. Give me time, and by the help of God I will later.
7. The KJV does not do damage to the virgin birth of Christ.
8. The KJV does not do damage to the deity of Christ.
9. I believe that the KJV has beautiful language.
10.The argument that the KJV has hard words and the modern versions have easier words does not sell to me.
11.Some say we cannot understand the KJV, but I thought we were real educated .
12. Later I will write about hard words and easy words.
13.Sometimes some will say and write what has happened to the word or Bible doctrine of repentance?
It has been removed in many translations,we had better open our eyes. In Luke 13.3,5:
Jesus said. " I tell you,nay :but,except ye repent,ye shall all likewise perish ." Verse 5: "I tell you,nay : but,except ye repent,ye shall all likewise perish. "
Now think of that except ye repent-- they take repent out and put except ye change. I believe repent or repentance is turning from the sin of unbelief and to belief on and in Christ. How dangerous is a translation that changes repent to change? I know and you know that you mat change from the sin of cussing, gambling, drugs,etc and still not be saved. This is very, very dangerous don't you think? Keep looking. There will be more to follow.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pastor's Stand on Performing Marriage Ceremonies
An ordained preacher has the right to perform the marriage ceremony in a state if he is registered in one county (or parish). As a young preacher, I was advised by an older pastor to decide on a policy concerning which ceremonies I would agree to perform. Every preacher should give this matter some consideration.
The Bible teaches marriage is a covenant relationship between one man and one woman until death (1 Cor. 7:10, 11, 12, 13, 27, 39). Preachers have frequent opportunities to perform a ceremony - but do not have to comply with every request to do so. In order to follow the teachings of the Bible concerning marriage, I determined at the beginning of my ministry to perform some marriage ceremonies and to refuse others. The Bible teaches a believer not to marry an unbeliever. 2 Cor. 6:14. The pre-wedding counseling is a wonderful opportunity to question the prospective couple, to hear their testimonies and to witness to them if one or both is not saved. I do not perform a ceremony for a believer and an unbeliever.
The Bible is so clear concerning divorce and remarriage that I determined I would not perform a ceremony if either one has been divorced for any reason. Matt 5:31, 32; Matt 19:3, 8, 9; Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:3. Taking God's Word as my guide for my ministry, I could not do otherwise. This policy has to be consistent with friends, family, church members and others alike. Preachers who follow the Bible concerning which marriage ceremonies they will or will not perform take a stand for God and His Word concerning the institution of marriage.
The Bible teaches marriage is a covenant relationship between one man and one woman until death (1 Cor. 7:10, 11, 12, 13, 27, 39). Preachers have frequent opportunities to perform a ceremony - but do not have to comply with every request to do so. In order to follow the teachings of the Bible concerning marriage, I determined at the beginning of my ministry to perform some marriage ceremonies and to refuse others. The Bible teaches a believer not to marry an unbeliever. 2 Cor. 6:14. The pre-wedding counseling is a wonderful opportunity to question the prospective couple, to hear their testimonies and to witness to them if one or both is not saved. I do not perform a ceremony for a believer and an unbeliever.
The Bible is so clear concerning divorce and remarriage that I determined I would not perform a ceremony if either one has been divorced for any reason. Matt 5:31, 32; Matt 19:3, 8, 9; Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:3. Taking God's Word as my guide for my ministry, I could not do otherwise. This policy has to be consistent with friends, family, church members and others alike. Preachers who follow the Bible concerning which marriage ceremonies they will or will not perform take a stand for God and His Word concerning the institution of marriage.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Pastor's Marital Status
Satan attacks God's preachers through their marriages. Preachers are not immune to failing marriages. The devil's strategy is to thin the ranks of those biblically qualified to serve a NT church as pastor. Although there are several spiritual and moral qualifications in 1 Tim. 3:1-7, the marriage qualification is under heavy attack. In order for a pastor to be unblameable before the world and set the right example for the church he pastors, he must be the husband of "one wife." 1 Tim. 3:2. As with "widows indeed," the similar expression is used, the Bible does not mean one husband or one wife at a time. Literally, it is a "one woman man" for a pastor and a "one man woman" to be a "window indeed." Matt 19:6 speaks of the unity or oneness of marriage. In the unity or oneness of marriage, the pastor and wife must reflect the Bible standard for marriage, which pictures the relationship of Christ and His bride.
The customs of false religions are not by the Bible in this regard. The Jewish custom of the OT priest included not taking a wife that was a harlot or divorced; the high priest could not marry anyone that was not a virgin. Lev. 21 The high qualifications of a priest pointed to Christ, our High Priest. The qualifications for pastors are high to make a difference between false worship and true worship. Robert Gromacki, in his book on 1 Timothy entitled Stand True To The Charge, page 80, wrote a pastor cannot "have more than one living wife. The phrase prohibits divorce and remarriage...Consequently,...there must be no record of divorce or other marital infidelity in the candidate, even before his conversion...Even though he could be forgiven...he would no longer be blameless in his marital life." Many try to excuse divorce and remarriage on the basis that it occurred before salvation. It is still on a person's record before men. Although it became common among the Romans and the Jews in NT times, Paul instructed Timothy that the pastor of a NT church must not be divorced and remarried.
The marital status of pastors is one standard of God's Word this is now under attack and being compromised. In his influential role, the respect and honor due a pastor of a NT church is to be reserved for those men who have no cause for reproach. It is Satan's strategy to reduce the ranks of qualified men to serve as pastors by disqualifying them in their marital status. Young preacher, be careful when choosing a wife. The only way to prevent some divorces is to prevent some marriages. Married preacher, don't take your marriage for granted. Satan is on the prowl.
The customs of false religions are not by the Bible in this regard. The Jewish custom of the OT priest included not taking a wife that was a harlot or divorced; the high priest could not marry anyone that was not a virgin. Lev. 21 The high qualifications of a priest pointed to Christ, our High Priest. The qualifications for pastors are high to make a difference between false worship and true worship. Robert Gromacki, in his book on 1 Timothy entitled Stand True To The Charge, page 80, wrote a pastor cannot "have more than one living wife. The phrase prohibits divorce and remarriage...Consequently,...there must be no record of divorce or other marital infidelity in the candidate, even before his conversion...Even though he could be forgiven...he would no longer be blameless in his marital life." Many try to excuse divorce and remarriage on the basis that it occurred before salvation. It is still on a person's record before men. Although it became common among the Romans and the Jews in NT times, Paul instructed Timothy that the pastor of a NT church must not be divorced and remarried.
The marital status of pastors is one standard of God's Word this is now under attack and being compromised. In his influential role, the respect and honor due a pastor of a NT church is to be reserved for those men who have no cause for reproach. It is Satan's strategy to reduce the ranks of qualified men to serve as pastors by disqualifying them in their marital status. Young preacher, be careful when choosing a wife. The only way to prevent some divorces is to prevent some marriages. Married preacher, don't take your marriage for granted. Satan is on the prowl.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Cross on which Jesus Died
For the Greek geeks, was Jesus hung on a literal tree or on a beam cut from a tree?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Popular Appeal of False Religion
Human reasoning finds false religion very appealing. There are hundreds of millions who devote themselves faithfully to the practice of false religions. The loyalty of God's poeple is constantly being tested by the attraction of false religions which allows religious people to worship and to be like the world. Hosea refers to Beth-Awen (house of nothing) in 10:5. This was a location of an idolatrous temple where a bull was worshipped. Beth-Awen is in great contrast to Bethel (house of God). Those who seek to obey God in true worship follow the doctrines of Christ which seem foolish and undersirable to the world.
False worships offers guaranteed results. Some prefer the name it, claim it gospel where the desires of the people are automatically promised if they have sufficient faith. Some actually believe they can put God in their debt by their works of worship. They believe God is obligated to bless them according to their desires. The name it, claim it gospel is far removed from biblical teachings. God's people should pray as Jesus prayed, "Not my will, but thine be done." Human reasoning prefers guaranteed results to being dependent one the will of God.
False worship promotes materialism (the inordinate desire to accumulate money and possessions). 1 Tim. 6:19; Matt. 6:24. The health and wealth gospel is a way of life that lives by the premise that the more you give, the more you will be blessed. If one is religious enough, he may become welathy. The health and wealth gospel is a way of life in stark contradiction to the poverty Jesus suffered. Jesus was very religious. He did not own a home, his own bed and had to borrow another man's tomb. How did Jesus miss the health and wealth gospel? Human reasoning prefers the health and wealth gospel to submission to the will of God.
False worship is a convenient religion. Deut. 13:2 reveals false worship was conducted "upon the mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree." People may worship anywhere, on any day, at any time, at any place and by any method they choose. False worship made it unnecessary for the Jews to make the trip to Jerusalem to the house of God. God's house is the divinely designated place where a New Testament church, the "pillar and ground of the truth," 1 Tim 3:15, gathers for worship. Human reasoning prefers a convenient religion.
False worship is an ecumenical religion. It makes sense for everyone to worship together, doesn't it? It makes sense for all religions to get together, doesn't it? It makes sense for the doctrines of truth not to get in the way of ecumenical progress, doesn't it? To men, yes - but to God, NO! In both the OT and the NT God plainly teaches His people to separate themselves from false worship 2 Cor. 6:14-17. Jesus instituted and organized one true way of worship during hIs personal ministry on earth. He said, "I will build my church," Matt 16:18. He did and He is continually building up true local churches. All others are built by men. Human reasoning prefers an ecumenical religion that brings all people together regardless of Bible truth.
False worship is a humanistic religion. False religion pleases the desires of the flesh. Those who are artistic may worship statutes, images and paintings they have devised. Some believe in the philosophy, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." Satisfaction in false worship is found in emotional euphoria, heavy drinking and erotic fulfillment (sexual preferences accpeted that fulfill anyone's desires). Human reasoning prefers to please the desires of the flesh rather than pleasing the God who made us.
While the appeals of false religion are many, God still demands His people worship Him "in spirit and in truth," John 4:24.
False worships offers guaranteed results. Some prefer the name it, claim it gospel where the desires of the people are automatically promised if they have sufficient faith. Some actually believe they can put God in their debt by their works of worship. They believe God is obligated to bless them according to their desires. The name it, claim it gospel is far removed from biblical teachings. God's people should pray as Jesus prayed, "Not my will, but thine be done." Human reasoning prefers guaranteed results to being dependent one the will of God.
False worship promotes materialism (the inordinate desire to accumulate money and possessions). 1 Tim. 6:19; Matt. 6:24. The health and wealth gospel is a way of life that lives by the premise that the more you give, the more you will be blessed. If one is religious enough, he may become welathy. The health and wealth gospel is a way of life in stark contradiction to the poverty Jesus suffered. Jesus was very religious. He did not own a home, his own bed and had to borrow another man's tomb. How did Jesus miss the health and wealth gospel? Human reasoning prefers the health and wealth gospel to submission to the will of God.
False worship is a convenient religion. Deut. 13:2 reveals false worship was conducted "upon the mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree." People may worship anywhere, on any day, at any time, at any place and by any method they choose. False worship made it unnecessary for the Jews to make the trip to Jerusalem to the house of God. God's house is the divinely designated place where a New Testament church, the "pillar and ground of the truth," 1 Tim 3:15, gathers for worship. Human reasoning prefers a convenient religion.
False worship is an ecumenical religion. It makes sense for everyone to worship together, doesn't it? It makes sense for all religions to get together, doesn't it? It makes sense for the doctrines of truth not to get in the way of ecumenical progress, doesn't it? To men, yes - but to God, NO! In both the OT and the NT God plainly teaches His people to separate themselves from false worship 2 Cor. 6:14-17. Jesus instituted and organized one true way of worship during hIs personal ministry on earth. He said, "I will build my church," Matt 16:18. He did and He is continually building up true local churches. All others are built by men. Human reasoning prefers an ecumenical religion that brings all people together regardless of Bible truth.
False worship is a humanistic religion. False religion pleases the desires of the flesh. Those who are artistic may worship statutes, images and paintings they have devised. Some believe in the philosophy, "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." Satisfaction in false worship is found in emotional euphoria, heavy drinking and erotic fulfillment (sexual preferences accpeted that fulfill anyone's desires). Human reasoning prefers to please the desires of the flesh rather than pleasing the God who made us.
While the appeals of false religion are many, God still demands His people worship Him "in spirit and in truth," John 4:24.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Landmarkers and Church Growth
Question - Do Landmark MB churches that practice sound biblical principles have to be struggling churches? Do only the more liberal churches grow? Is growth a sign of being liberal? No, no, no. Church growth is building up the church in spirituality and then (as a result) in numbers. Church growth depends on these factors: (Based on 33 years experience preaching and pastoring churches)
1) Christ centered, Bible preaching 1 Tim. 4:2
2) Lifestyles that reflect Christ Matt. 5:16
3) Good fellowship Acts 2:42
4) Faithfulness Heb. 10:24, 25
5) Prayer John 14:14
6) Witnessing Ps 126:5, 6
7) Sacrificial giving (tithes and offerings) Mal. 3:10
8) Worshipful music Col 3:16
9) Strong teaching ministry 2 Tim 2:2
10) Right literature Matt 28:20; Luke 1:1; Jude 3
11) First love is Christ Eph. 2:5
12) Right love John 13:34, 35; 15:12
When a church struggles with a lack of growth, one or more (usually several) of these factors are lacking. God's power still blesses His Word. His churches that work by His plan do not need music that is not worshipful, literature from outside the associated work, gimmicks, compromise, fund raisers or self help seminars. What we need is to work God's plan! His plan still works when we work the plan!
1) Christ centered, Bible preaching 1 Tim. 4:2
2) Lifestyles that reflect Christ Matt. 5:16
3) Good fellowship Acts 2:42
4) Faithfulness Heb. 10:24, 25
5) Prayer John 14:14
6) Witnessing Ps 126:5, 6
7) Sacrificial giving (tithes and offerings) Mal. 3:10
8) Worshipful music Col 3:16
9) Strong teaching ministry 2 Tim 2:2
10) Right literature Matt 28:20; Luke 1:1; Jude 3
11) First love is Christ Eph. 2:5
12) Right love John 13:34, 35; 15:12
When a church struggles with a lack of growth, one or more (usually several) of these factors are lacking. God's power still blesses His Word. His churches that work by His plan do not need music that is not worshipful, literature from outside the associated work, gimmicks, compromise, fund raisers or self help seminars. What we need is to work God's plan! His plan still works when we work the plan!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
When Sex Offenders Go To Church
Having recently discovered a level four registered sex offender atttending our services, I deem it urgent to give a head's up to others concerning how to handle this thoughtfully, prayerfully and legally. Here are some ideas:
1) Check the state Sex Offender web site regularly (that's how we discovered it)
2) Set the ground rules - where they may sit (in an area occupied only by older adults) and direct them concerning absolutely no contact with samll children or their families.
3) Realize seemingly benign behavior such as gifts, phone conversations or hugs is a ramping up process that leads to repeat crimes (take note if they know children's names)
4) Know that a level four has done jail time and is under rules for their parole for life
5) Contact local law enforecement to determine the proper method for dealing with the problem
6) When a known sex offender is at church, detail someone to keep an eye on him from coming in to going out (every move he makes)
7) Document efforts taken to deal with him that will prove you have legally done all you could to keep the children in your church safe
8) They do not get too old to be dangerous (ours is 79)
9) Teachers dismissing classes of small children should wait until adults are in the auditorium to do so for obvious safety reasons
10) Remind parents to keep an eye on their children (many assume their children are safe once they are on church property) and other church members to assist them in that important task
A word to the wise - if they have to be discovered from the website, they have not been honest with you and will probably lie about other things. Once contacted, the local law enforcement should be encouraged to fulfill their responsibilities. While all people deserve to hear the gospel and have their spiritual needs met, some attend church for other reasons. If the sex offender has not been straight forward in coming to the church by up front making the pastor aware of his situation, then he probably has ulterior motives rather than spiritual ones. God help us - what has our world come to?
1) Check the state Sex Offender web site regularly (that's how we discovered it)
2) Set the ground rules - where they may sit (in an area occupied only by older adults) and direct them concerning absolutely no contact with samll children or their families.
3) Realize seemingly benign behavior such as gifts, phone conversations or hugs is a ramping up process that leads to repeat crimes (take note if they know children's names)
4) Know that a level four has done jail time and is under rules for their parole for life
5) Contact local law enforecement to determine the proper method for dealing with the problem
6) When a known sex offender is at church, detail someone to keep an eye on him from coming in to going out (every move he makes)
7) Document efforts taken to deal with him that will prove you have legally done all you could to keep the children in your church safe
8) They do not get too old to be dangerous (ours is 79)
9) Teachers dismissing classes of small children should wait until adults are in the auditorium to do so for obvious safety reasons
10) Remind parents to keep an eye on their children (many assume their children are safe once they are on church property) and other church members to assist them in that important task
A word to the wise - if they have to be discovered from the website, they have not been honest with you and will probably lie about other things. Once contacted, the local law enforcement should be encouraged to fulfill their responsibilities. While all people deserve to hear the gospel and have their spiritual needs met, some attend church for other reasons. If the sex offender has not been straight forward in coming to the church by up front making the pastor aware of his situation, then he probably has ulterior motives rather than spiritual ones. God help us - what has our world come to?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Landmarkers and Trail of Blood
The Lord Jesus Christ established His church during His personal ministry on earth. He taught her, bought her with His blood and commissioned her to take the gospel to the world, baptize believers and teach all things Jesus commanded. The Lord personally instructed His church concerning what to teach, preach and practice. These teachings are the faith once delivered to the saints as recorded in the Bible.
Most Landmarkers agree on doctrines of truth and the practice of truth in the following categories: True churches are scriptural, true churches are always local, other religious organizations are unscriptural (Catholics, Protestants), separation from false worship (no pulpit affiliation, no open communion, no alien immersion), church succession, equal church representation, the church is sovereign under Christ and the Great Commission given to true churches only.
Church succession has several historical writers to champion its position of an unbroken line of true churches from the church Jesus built through each century to the present under several names and until the Lord comes in the air including G. H. Orchard, John T. Christian and J. M. Carroll, who wrote the Trail of Blood to teach the truth about church succession.
Preachers called Landmarkers that held dear some or all of the tenets listed above include: J. R. Graves, J. M. Pendleton, Amos Cooper Dayton, J. N. Hall, Ben M. Bogard, Thomas Treadwell Eaton and B. H. Carroll (and others).
The "Trail of Blood" traces church succession century by century from the church Jesus built until the time of its writing. Opponents of Landmarkism consider this book to be based on a flawed concept. Yet, church succession rests on the promise of Christ stated in His Word (Matt. 16:18; 22:20.)
Preachers who champion Landmark principles (willing to stand for those truths) will take much criticism from religious people, even from some in the A. B. A., which was organized on the basis of Landmark truths. May God grant His people the knowledge of the truth, the courage to practice the truth and the desire to stand for the truth until death or Jesus comes.
Most Landmarkers agree on doctrines of truth and the practice of truth in the following categories: True churches are scriptural, true churches are always local, other religious organizations are unscriptural (Catholics, Protestants), separation from false worship (no pulpit affiliation, no open communion, no alien immersion), church succession, equal church representation, the church is sovereign under Christ and the Great Commission given to true churches only.
Church succession has several historical writers to champion its position of an unbroken line of true churches from the church Jesus built through each century to the present under several names and until the Lord comes in the air including G. H. Orchard, John T. Christian and J. M. Carroll, who wrote the Trail of Blood to teach the truth about church succession.
Preachers called Landmarkers that held dear some or all of the tenets listed above include: J. R. Graves, J. M. Pendleton, Amos Cooper Dayton, J. N. Hall, Ben M. Bogard, Thomas Treadwell Eaton and B. H. Carroll (and others).
The "Trail of Blood" traces church succession century by century from the church Jesus built until the time of its writing. Opponents of Landmarkism consider this book to be based on a flawed concept. Yet, church succession rests on the promise of Christ stated in His Word (Matt. 16:18; 22:20.)
Preachers who champion Landmark principles (willing to stand for those truths) will take much criticism from religious people, even from some in the A. B. A., which was organized on the basis of Landmark truths. May God grant His people the knowledge of the truth, the courage to practice the truth and the desire to stand for the truth until death or Jesus comes.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sermon - Judgment of Believers
Judgment of Believers
Acts 10:42, 43; Heb. 9:27
I. Past - as a sinner - at the cross
God judged all sins
Christ paid for all sins
Once sin was paid for in full, judgment concluded
No more judgment for sin
The cross was a finished word
John 5:24; Heb. 9:26; 10:12, 17; 1 John 1:9
No more judgment for sins
II. Present - as a son - in this life
God examines the life, lifestyle
Father punishes children for misbehaving
1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 9:27; Heb. 12:5-11
No more chastisement after this life
III. Future - as a servant - at the Judgment Seat of Christ
Not innocent or guilty
Not saved or lost
Acceptable or unacceptable works
All commissioned servants are in NT churches
Some servants will have works burned up
Some servants will hear "Well done"
1 Cor 3:11-15; 2 Cor 5:10
Acts 10:42, 43; Heb. 9:27
I. Past - as a sinner - at the cross
God judged all sins
Christ paid for all sins
Once sin was paid for in full, judgment concluded
No more judgment for sin
The cross was a finished word
John 5:24; Heb. 9:26; 10:12, 17; 1 John 1:9
No more judgment for sins
II. Present - as a son - in this life
God examines the life, lifestyle
Father punishes children for misbehaving
1 Cor. 6:19, 20; 9:27; Heb. 12:5-11
No more chastisement after this life
III. Future - as a servant - at the Judgment Seat of Christ
Not innocent or guilty
Not saved or lost
Acceptable or unacceptable works
All commissioned servants are in NT churches
Some servants will have works burned up
Some servants will hear "Well done"
1 Cor 3:11-15; 2 Cor 5:10
Friday, February 6, 2009
Marriage and Family on Decline
We now live in a generation that would rather live together than be married. L. Lamor Williams wrote an article entitled AR Seeing Less Marrying, Divorcing in the AR Democrat-Gazette on Saturday, Jan. 24, 2009 concerning marriage and the family, giving information why marriage rates fell 32% in AR from 2006-2008. While some thought AR was just slow catching up with the trend of the rest of the country, it is an alarming dropoff in marriages-which have been on the decline since 1992. Williams mentioned several reasons he believed contributed to the marriage dropoff:
*A general attitude that marriage is not so important
*Sexual freedom as a result of birth control
*Cohabitation (in US in 1960 - 430,000 and in 2007 - 6.4 million) and like a test drive for marriage, just to see if there is compatibility
*Women choosing to be single mothers
*Women now have better paying jobs (forced quota hiring practices)
*Cost of divorce (alimony, child support)
*Older ages for getting married (27 for women, 30 for men)
*Desire for a higher standard of living starting out
If this marriage trend contionues, we will see the demise of the family unit in America. The family is the most basic societal unit. America (or any nation) cannot long survive with marriage and the family.
Williams reported the following advantages children have from married families:
*More healthy (receive better health care, nutrition, parental safeguards from danger)
*Learn better values
*Learn to accept responsibilities, including responsibilities for their own actions
*Self reliant (become tax paying citizens not on the public dole)
In the last days of this church age, 1 Tim. 4:1, 3; 2 Tim. 3:1-5, the Bible teaches the breakdown of marriage and the family. God's people need to pray for and encourage young marrieds, teens and unmarried young adults concerning God's plan for marriage and the family.
*A general attitude that marriage is not so important
*Sexual freedom as a result of birth control
*Cohabitation (in US in 1960 - 430,000 and in 2007 - 6.4 million) and like a test drive for marriage, just to see if there is compatibility
*Women choosing to be single mothers
*Women now have better paying jobs (forced quota hiring practices)
*Cost of divorce (alimony, child support)
*Older ages for getting married (27 for women, 30 for men)
*Desire for a higher standard of living starting out
If this marriage trend contionues, we will see the demise of the family unit in America. The family is the most basic societal unit. America (or any nation) cannot long survive with marriage and the family.
Williams reported the following advantages children have from married families:
*More healthy (receive better health care, nutrition, parental safeguards from danger)
*Learn better values
*Learn to accept responsibilities, including responsibilities for their own actions
*Self reliant (become tax paying citizens not on the public dole)
In the last days of this church age, 1 Tim. 4:1, 3; 2 Tim. 3:1-5, the Bible teaches the breakdown of marriage and the family. God's people need to pray for and encourage young marrieds, teens and unmarried young adults concerning God's plan for marriage and the family.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Principle of Separation
2 Cor. 6:14-18 teaches the biblical principle of separation. It is necessary to define an unequal yoke to understand the principle. Paul was writing to the church at Corinth. Among many other problems, there was great temptation in the city of Corinth with idol worhip. Unequal means two dissimilar things, two that are not the same. A yoke was an instrument used to attach to animals together for training and/or work purposes. An unequal yoke is an attachment of two dissimilar things, or any improper alliance.
Examples of an unequal yoke include: marriage between a believer and an unbeliever,one should walk in the light, the other walks in darkness, 1 Cor. 7:14-16, 39;a business partnership between a believer and an unbeliever (business practices such as fraud, deception, dishonesty which may be acceptable to one, but should not be to the other Rom. 13:2, 5-8; Eph. 5:11); in religious things, between those in the truth and those in false worship (Ot principle Deut 22:9-11; a NT principle 2 John 9-11).
"Come out from among them" and "be ye separate" mean non-fellowship or non-participation with religious error. "What agreement hath the temple of God [a new testament church] with idols [false worship]?" "Touch not the unclean thing" means false worship is to God an unclean thing. Non-fellowship in worship capacity includes not attending and having no part (preaching, teaching, singing, playing the instruments, leading in prayer). Do not lend your influence to false worship or approval in any manner. If we do, we approve what God disapproves. Worship capacity includes any organized religious event from ministerial alliance to See-You-at-the-Pole, to FCA, to revivals, VBS, youth camp and Sunday worship or other special services. Non-ecumenical means one does not believe in having religious services where people from different denominations participate. God's plan for unity and fellowship is on the basis of Bible truth, fellowship in the truth. Non-ecumenical means we do not go to them and we do not invite them to have a leading role with us (we welcome all to come to true worship). A church that is non-ecumeical will refuse to accept alien baptism, refuse to practice open communion, and refuse to practice pulpit affiliation.
The purpose in not being entangled in an unequal yoke is that the presence of God might be fully known in His churches, the leadership of the Holy Spirit may be followed in truth, God's blessings may be upon His people and that His people in true churches might be a holy and pure people with a mighty influence for God in the world. Separation denies false worship the credibility of "I'm OK, you're OK." There is a difference between true and false worship - God expects His people in the true churches to obey His principle of separation. While being separated from false worship, we are to go forth into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Examples of an unequal yoke include: marriage between a believer and an unbeliever,one should walk in the light, the other walks in darkness, 1 Cor. 7:14-16, 39;a business partnership between a believer and an unbeliever (business practices such as fraud, deception, dishonesty which may be acceptable to one, but should not be to the other Rom. 13:2, 5-8; Eph. 5:11); in religious things, between those in the truth and those in false worship (Ot principle Deut 22:9-11; a NT principle 2 John 9-11).
"Come out from among them" and "be ye separate" mean non-fellowship or non-participation with religious error. "What agreement hath the temple of God [a new testament church] with idols [false worship]?" "Touch not the unclean thing" means false worship is to God an unclean thing. Non-fellowship in worship capacity includes not attending and having no part (preaching, teaching, singing, playing the instruments, leading in prayer). Do not lend your influence to false worship or approval in any manner. If we do, we approve what God disapproves. Worship capacity includes any organized religious event from ministerial alliance to See-You-at-the-Pole, to FCA, to revivals, VBS, youth camp and Sunday worship or other special services. Non-ecumenical means one does not believe in having religious services where people from different denominations participate. God's plan for unity and fellowship is on the basis of Bible truth, fellowship in the truth. Non-ecumenical means we do not go to them and we do not invite them to have a leading role with us (we welcome all to come to true worship). A church that is non-ecumeical will refuse to accept alien baptism, refuse to practice open communion, and refuse to practice pulpit affiliation.
The purpose in not being entangled in an unequal yoke is that the presence of God might be fully known in His churches, the leadership of the Holy Spirit may be followed in truth, God's blessings may be upon His people and that His people in true churches might be a holy and pure people with a mighty influence for God in the world. Separation denies false worship the credibility of "I'm OK, you're OK." There is a difference between true and false worship - God expects His people in the true churches to obey His principle of separation. While being separated from false worship, we are to go forth into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Alien Immersion
Alien immersion means a strange or unusual act of immersion that does not follow the biblical pattern for baptism. It is an unscriptural form many congregations practice on a don't ask, don't tell basis. If the idea is to get them in any way you can, any form of immersion without a scriptural authority is all that is required in many Baptist congregations. Receiving alien immersion is the natural result of the universal church heresy that follows open communion and pulpit affiliation.
Scriptural baptism has four requisites: 1) the right authority, a NT church Matt. 28:16-20; 2) the right candidate, a child of God Matt. 3:6-9; Acts 8:37 (footnoted or absent in new "Bible" versions); 3) the right method, immersion in water Matt. 3:14-17; Rom. 6:4, 5; and 4) the right purpose, obedience to God's command and identification with Jesus, not for salvation Matt. 3:15; Rom. 6:16, 17; 1 Pet. 3:21.
Consider the logical results of alien immersion. If authority does not matter, then one denomination is as good as another. If the act does not matter, any method will do. Why not sprinkle or pour? If the candidate does not matter, why not offer it to babies? Then infant "baptism" will be acceptable. At this point, any doctrine may be accepted as good as the truth. Once a congregation goes down the road of receiving alien immersion, it is a road of no return.
Alien immersion is unusual because it has no scriptural authority. Only a New Testament church has authority from God to administer it. True churches have ever held two things dear about baptism: 1) Jesus gave His authority to New Testament churches and 2) His specific command given to churches concerning baptism forbids any other organization the right to administer it. Only a scriptural church may administer scriptural baptism.
When a scriptural church receives or grants letters to a congregation that practices alien immersion, they recognize it as a true church. Compromise on the truth about baptism should be rejected. Those who accept alien immersion have rejected the biblical pattern for baptism. Without scriptural baptism, there is no scriptural church, no authority for ordinations, or for the ordinances. Sound, solid churches will make inquiry concerning who baptized a new member and concerning whether the congregation they were a member of practices alien immersion. If they practice alien immersion, a sound church cannot and will not accept a letter from them. In such cases, truth rebukes error. When a person comes from a congregation that receives alien immersion, if their baptism is determined to be scriptural, they may be received by statement on their profession of faith and statement of having received scriptural baptism. If a person immersed by a congregation that receives alien immersion unites with a true church, then he must be willing to receive scriptural baptism. Scriptural baptism expresses the profession of faith of a believer, the picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and the things taught by the church administering the ordinance. Rom. 6:16, 17 How can scriptural churches become anything but unscriptural by receiving alien immersion?
Scriptural baptism has four requisites: 1) the right authority, a NT church Matt. 28:16-20; 2) the right candidate, a child of God Matt. 3:6-9; Acts 8:37 (footnoted or absent in new "Bible" versions); 3) the right method, immersion in water Matt. 3:14-17; Rom. 6:4, 5; and 4) the right purpose, obedience to God's command and identification with Jesus, not for salvation Matt. 3:15; Rom. 6:16, 17; 1 Pet. 3:21.
Consider the logical results of alien immersion. If authority does not matter, then one denomination is as good as another. If the act does not matter, any method will do. Why not sprinkle or pour? If the candidate does not matter, why not offer it to babies? Then infant "baptism" will be acceptable. At this point, any doctrine may be accepted as good as the truth. Once a congregation goes down the road of receiving alien immersion, it is a road of no return.
Alien immersion is unusual because it has no scriptural authority. Only a New Testament church has authority from God to administer it. True churches have ever held two things dear about baptism: 1) Jesus gave His authority to New Testament churches and 2) His specific command given to churches concerning baptism forbids any other organization the right to administer it. Only a scriptural church may administer scriptural baptism.
When a scriptural church receives or grants letters to a congregation that practices alien immersion, they recognize it as a true church. Compromise on the truth about baptism should be rejected. Those who accept alien immersion have rejected the biblical pattern for baptism. Without scriptural baptism, there is no scriptural church, no authority for ordinations, or for the ordinances. Sound, solid churches will make inquiry concerning who baptized a new member and concerning whether the congregation they were a member of practices alien immersion. If they practice alien immersion, a sound church cannot and will not accept a letter from them. In such cases, truth rebukes error. When a person comes from a congregation that receives alien immersion, if their baptism is determined to be scriptural, they may be received by statement on their profession of faith and statement of having received scriptural baptism. If a person immersed by a congregation that receives alien immersion unites with a true church, then he must be willing to receive scriptural baptism. Scriptural baptism expresses the profession of faith of a believer, the picture of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus and the things taught by the church administering the ordinance. Rom. 6:16, 17 How can scriptural churches become anything but unscriptural by receiving alien immersion?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Apostasy is turning away from or forsaking the truth. 1 Tim. 1:19, 20 Although false religion teaches it is losing one's salvation, God's Word teaches the security of the believer. John 3:16; 5:24; 10:27-30; Rom. 8:35-39. Some even teach the impossibility for the saved to be guilty of apostasy. God's Word declares any believer can turn aside from the truth to false teachers, having "itching ears." One must be in the truth in order to apostasize. When God's people in the truth "put away" the faith they once held dear, that is apostasy! It is a willful, deliberate rejection of the clear teachings of the Bible by a child of God. Some have rejected church discipline, scriptural baptism, closed communion, the local nature of the church and the truth that the Bible is the all sufficient rule of faith and practice (speaking in tongues).
Israel's apostasy involved false worship. The nation went into repeated backslidings (means the same as apostasy). Jer. 5:1-9 God's prophet predicted God's judgment upon such disloyalty to God's truth in Israel. Jer. 2:19
When the Lord's people today in His churches turn away from the truth, God's judgment is no less sure! Rev. 2, 3 in the last days (our days), we are seeing the great falling away - a great time of apostasy. Like Paul, our desire should be to be able to say, "I have kept the faith."
Israel's apostasy involved false worship. The nation went into repeated backslidings (means the same as apostasy). Jer. 5:1-9 God's prophet predicted God's judgment upon such disloyalty to God's truth in Israel. Jer. 2:19
When the Lord's people today in His churches turn away from the truth, God's judgment is no less sure! Rev. 2, 3 in the last days (our days), we are seeing the great falling away - a great time of apostasy. Like Paul, our desire should be to be able to say, "I have kept the faith."
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